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Flip/Mirror pages in PDF file

Mirror the pages vertically or horizontally

How to use the tool?

Easy to use

Easily flip/mirror the pages in PDF file vertically or horizontally. Upload the file and select how the content should be mirrored. Click Apply changes and it is done!

Security first

One of the main strengths of this PDF flip tool is that your files never leave your computer. You need not to worry about if someone will get their hands on your confidential files. You can even use this tool offline once downloaded.

Lightning fast

No longer needed to wait for an upload and download of files to a remote server, the processing is done instantly on your device. To flip a normal sized files takes only a few seconds even on a modest device.

Available everywhere

The PDF flip tool is designed to work just as well from your mobile device as from your desktop computer. You can access the tool from anywhere around the globe through the website. Once the site is loaded, it can even be used offline!

100% free

All our PDF tools are available completely free of charge 24/7 for you to use whenever you need them.

No limits

There are no builtin limitations for how often, how many and how big files you may use the PDF flip/mirror tool with. The tool is tested for reasonable big inputs and designed to perform well.

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